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Theatre Maker

I have always been passionate about content creation and developing my own practice. I have worked with a number of theatre companies in roles ranging from choreographer to dramaturg. I worked with Action Transport on the development and performance of their physical theatre, gay fairytale, Happily Ever After. I was the movement director for People Zoo's remounting of The Trial at The New Diorama. I developed Men Chase Women Choose with Sophie Giddens, Matt Holt and Kate Coogan, where we were able to explore the science behind our gendered society in a way that involved physical theatre, ridiculous characters and a lot of laughs. This show gained support from a number of sources and we were able to produce a successful fully funded show, that achieved record box-office sales for our venue at Edinburgh Fringe Festival.

I specialise in movement, comedy, and story telling. I love working with new texts, challenges, and companies, and am always available to discuss any future collaboration.

Mark Russell
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